Meet with an advisor (by appointment) for personalized guidance on selecting fellowships experiences that match your unique needs. On your first visit with the fellowships advisor, you can create a customized plan for future semesters or years of involvement. In subsequent interactions, you’ll receive tailored advice, resources, and feedback on preparing a competitive application for a specific award!  

Learning Objectives 

Through one-to-one advising appointments, group workshop events, and website or Canvas-based resources, we provide you -- as one of our Prospective Fellowship Candidates -- with the necessary support to independently explore your goals and accomplish the following learning objectives: 

  1. Self-select appropriate scholarship opportunities to facilitate your educational and professional advancement. 
  2. Identify potential recommendation writers and apply best practices for seeking letters of recommendation. 
  3. Identify genre conventions and rhetorical strategies for persuasively communicating your fit with scholarship selection criteria and describing your future original contributions to your discipline or field. 
  4. Receive and integrate expert feedback into your scholarship application and future plans. 
  5. If your scholarship has an interview requirement, practice effective rhetorical strategies for use in panel interview situations. 
  6. Assemble and finalize scholarship-specific application components and reflect on progress toward educational and professional goals. 

Please plan ahead: 

Most fellowships require students to submit applications one full year in advance of receiving funding and are quite competitive. 

Undergraduate Research & Fellowships staff advise students on applications for approximately 2 to 6 months prior to external deadlines. In particular, students planning to apply for Fulbright or graduate fellowships due in September-October should connect with our office in April-May, 6 months ahead of the external deadlines. 
There are no fellowships that provide immediate financial support. If you are seeking financial assistance for the current or upcoming term, please contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships in the Husker Hub